Detroit Grooming Co.'s Guide To No-Shave November - Part I

Detroit Grooming Co.'s Guide To No-Shave November - Part I

by Michael Haddad | October 10, 2014

No shave November - What is it?

Novembeard. Movember. So, what's the deal anyway? Where in the world did we ever get the idea to dedicate a whole month to celebrating men's facial hair choices? Well, that's one heck of a story. It all started way back in 1999 with some 80 gents in the south of Australia! They started a movement back then to encourage men to grow a mustache to raise awareness and money for charities and issues affecting men the most. Since then, it has grown to epic proportions all over the world, and has become part of our vocabulary.

Even More to No Shave November

Aside from the charitable output from the bearded and mustachio'd brethren throughout the month, there is also the matter of celebrating a mans independence from his employers and loved ones. The beard is sometimes a polarizing accessory and there are those who oppose it in an almost militaristic manner. The month of November provides the modern man with the ability to celebrate his manliness, if even for a short time. We know that with great beard comes great responsibility, so we give to charity year-round and know that most of our bearded brethren follow suit.

Embracing Your No Shave November!

So, while No Shave November is important for what it represents, let's not shame the newly bearded, or assume they lack the strength to retain the beard. Let's welcome them with open arms and add them to our number. While we understand that most of our fans are in fact the bravely bearded, there is always room for newcomers at our table. Beards are better than sunglasses and more attention grabbing than a Ferrari, and eventually more and more people will come around. Until then, give your razor a break so you can enjoy the coming month. Don't forget to look for us on all social media and online @!




Date Modified:Nov. 1, 2017
Main Topic: Beard Culture
Detroit Grooming Co.