5 Things You Should Know About No-Shave November

5 Things You Should Know About No-Shave November

by Angelo Ausi | November 01, 2018

5 Things You Should Know About No-Shave November

Detroit Grooming Lou

Detroit Grooming Lou 
Director of Brand Management, Marketing & PR.

Congrats!  You're taking the leap and you're letting it grow!  Dropping the Razor!  Going, as they say, "full-on beard!"  Well high-5s and fist bumps coming your way.  And as you set out on this month-long journey, here's 5 things you should know as you go from smooth skin to barba sensuale!

First off, you need to know a little history.  No-Shave November originally started as a cancer awareness program as men would donate the money they typically spend on shaving and grooming products to their preferred cancer charity.  Nowadays men forgo shaving for the month of November to invoke a deeper conversation surrounding men's issues and to raise cancer awareness.  

Detroit Grooming Lou's Pro-Shave with Old 13 Barber Co.

Second, there are several factors that come into play when growing a beard.  Everything from healthy skin to good genetics plays a role.  If you can't easily grow a beard, that's okay, many men struggle with growing a full beard.

Taking a daily Biotin supplement can help boost your beard.  Biotin is important B vitamin linked to healthy hair growth.  We recommend our 10k mcg supplement daily.

Third, you'll want to start using our beard oil on day one and all the way throughout your No-Shave journey.   We recommend starting off with our Cedar Springs oil.  Two major benefits of this powerful beard oil are its anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-seborrhoeic, and anti-inflammatory properties.  A lot of men suffer from break-outs and discomfort after shaving.  Cedar Springs helps your skin heal quickly.  As your beard grows, you'll want to go with any of our beard oils to maintain healthy and hydrated skin beneath the beard.  A soft beard begins with healthy skin underneath.  Men's facial skin does not produce enough oil to support a beard so it's important to use beard oil every day.

Fourth, our beard butter is a must to maintain a soft beard.  Ask any woman what her number one complaint with a beard is and she'll tell you without missing a beat..."it's scratchy."  Daily use of our beard butters keep the beard soft and healthy.  Plus, they help with styling as the beard starts to grow out.  So butter up gents!  She'll love the way it smells AND feels.

Lastly, keep those bristles clean with an all-natural beard wash.  You want something that is strong enough to clean on a daily basis but soft enough so that it doesn't strip your beard's natural oils.  The hair in your beard is NOT the same as the hair on your head.  It can easily dry out if you were to use normal shampoo. 

Have FUN with No-Shave November and don't forget to throw a little quid towards your favorite cancer awareness, research, or treatment charity.  Cancer is a mean gig, I would know, I'm a survivor.  No-Shave November is about raising awareness and doing something GOOD.  Make it happen!

If you have any questions along the way, hit me up at lou@detroitgrooming.com or catch me on the Gram.  Also, send me some pics I can use on my IG story and I'll send ya a FREE Detroit Grooming t-shirt!

Hot shoe burnin' down the avenue!

~ Let It Grow Lou

Not sure where to start or looking for a gift idea for your No-Shave November man?

We've made it easy for ya!  The Detroit Grooming Basic Beard Kit comes with everything you need to get started for No-Shave November.  Each kit comes with our Beard Poo/Cleanser, Beard Oil, and Beard Butter.  Whether it's for yourself or for a gift our Basic Beard Kit will get your started in style and keep that beard soft, healthy, and sexy!