A man with a fantastic full beard.

5 Beard Growth Myths Debunked: Summer Edition

by Glenn Lompon | July 11, 2024

Alright, gents. It's time to set the record straight and tackle some of those beard growth myths you've been hearing, especially the ones that float around during the summer.

Whether it’s your bros at the BBQ or that random guy on the beach, everyone seems to have an opinion about beards and the summer sun. Let’s break it down and debunk those myths once and for all.

Myth #1: Beards Grow Slower in Summer

First up, the idea that beards grow slower in the summer is just plain wrong. Beard growth is primarily dictated by your hormones and genetics, not the thermostat.

Whether it's 30 degrees Celsius or minus 10, your beard is going to do its own thing.

In fact, some studies suggest that testosterone levels (key to beard growth) can actually spike a bit during the summer. So, if you notice your beard coming in a bit thicker, give a thumbs up to your body’s natural rhythm, not the weather.

Myth #2: Sun Promotes Beard Growth 

Ah yes, the classic "a bit of sunshine will make your beard grow faster." Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's another beard growth myth.

While moderate sun exposure is great for getting your necessary dose of Vitamin D (which indirectly benefits your overall health), there’s no concrete evidence that a sunny day will turn you into a bearded beast.

The Origin Story

Let’s break this down a bit more. The theory probably stems from the well-documented benefits of Vitamin D, which plays a role in many bodily functions, including hair follicle health. 

However, while Vitamin D can support hair health, it doesn’t directly accelerate growth rates. A healthy diet and adequate sun exposure can contribute to your general well-being, but attributing rapid beard growth to just sunshine is an oversimplification.

In reality, prolonged exposure to the sun can actually cause more harm than good. UV rays can damage the hair shaft and make your beard more brittle and prone to breaking. 

This leads to an illusion that your beard isn’t growing well, when it’s actually being damaged and broken off before it has the chance to flourish.

The Sun vs. Your Skin

Let’s also talk about your skin, the very foundation where your beard grows. Excessive sun exposure can dry out the skin underneath your beard, causing flakiness and irritation.

This can create an environment that's less than ideal for healthy beard growth. If your skin is struggling, your beard will too. 

Moreover, spending more time in the sun often means frequent exposure to other elements like chlorine from pools or saltwater from the ocean. Both can further dry out and damage your beard hair.

To combat this, it’s advisable to thoroughly rinse your beard and follow up with a good moisturizing routine.

If you’re seeking that sun-kissed, healthy beard look, focus on adequate hydration and nourishment. Drink plenty of water and consider using a beard oil with SPF to protect against UV damage.

Remember, while the sun isn’t the enemy, it’s not the magical beard growth accelerator either.

Myth #3: Sweating Makes Your Beard Grow Faster 

This one’s almost laughable, but hey, it's out there—sweating makes your beard grow faster. This misinformation likely comes from the notion that sweat somehow stimulates hair follicles. 

But, let’s set the record straight: sweat itself doesn't magically make your beard sprout faster.

Sweat is your body’s natural cooling mechanism, and it can have mixed effects on your beard.

What Happens When You Sweat 

When you sweat, you release a mix of water, salts, and other minerals through your skin.

While sweat can help cleanse your pores, it can also clog them if not washed off properly.

When pores are clogged with a combination of sweat, dirt, and oil, it can lead to skin irritations and even beard acne, neither of which are conducive to healthy beard growth.

Additionally, the salts and minerals found in sweat can have a drying effect on your beard hair. This can make your beard feel more brittle and prone to breakage, giving the false impression that your beard isn't growing as fast.

Keeping your beard well-hydrated and clean is crucial to counteract the drying effects of sweat.

The Bacteria Breeding Ground

Let’s talk about skincare for a moment.

The skin beneath your beard is the fertile ground where your follicles thrive. Excessive sweating without proper washing can lead to skin issues that stunt healthy beard growth.

To maintain a healthy beard, you need a balanced skincare routine. Use a gentle beard shampoo to wash away sweat and buildup, followed by a good conditioner or beard oil to replenish lost moisture.

Check out Detroit Grooming's All-Natural Beard Wash if you want a killer beard shampoo that'll keep your beard soft and clean all summer long. 

Moreover, sweat itself isn’t harmful, but the environments in which you tend to sweat can be. High temperatures and humidity can lead to an increase in bacterial growth. 

This is particularly true if you’re active and sweating in workout environments, which are breeding grounds for bacteria. Keep your beard clean and consider using an antibacterial beard wash if you’re frequently sweating during exercises.

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.

Another thing to consider is hydration. While you're losing water through sweat, make sure to replenish it by drinking plenty of fluids. Dehydration can lead to dry skin, which isn’t conducive to beard growth.

Keeping hydrated ensures your skin stays moisturized, providing a healthy base for your beard hair to grow.

Finally, sweating more in hot weather means more frequent cleaning, but don't overdo it. Washing your beard too much can strip it of natural oils, leading to dryness and brittleness.

Balance is key—ensure you clean your beard without over-washing it, maintaining its natural oils that are essential for a healthy appearance.

Myth #4: Only Thick Beards Provide Sun Protection

Sure, a thick, full beard can give your face some shade, but all beards offer some level of sun protection.

It's a bonus, not the main course. 

Remember that even with a beard, skincare is essential. Consider beard sunscreen to avoid any sun damage.

Myth #5: You Need Different Beard Products for Summer

Our final beard growth myth is the idea that you need a whole new set of products for summer. Not quite. A solid beard care routine with good cleaning, moisturizing, and occasional trimming stays effective year-round. 

That said, a couple of tweaks might help. Opt for lighter, more breathable oils and balms to keep things fresh. You don’t need to overhaul your regiment; just a bit of seasonal adjustment is all it takes.

Our top beard oil pick: Detroit Grooming's Beard Oil. The cool thing about this beard oil it's heavy enough to keep your beard moisturized but light enough to keep you from feeling like I greasy mess in the summer heat.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, the top beard growth myths debunked. Don't let misinformation mess with your beard game. Keep it clean, stay informed, and, most importantly, enjoy the journey. After all, your beard is an extension of who you are—make it count.

Have any more beard growth myths you want busted? Share them in the comments below!