Beard Bulking: Tips for Growing a Fuller, Thicker Beard

Beard Bulking: Tips for Growing a Fuller, Thicker Beard

by Glenn Lompon | August 01, 2024

Alright, gents, let’s cut to the chase. You want to know how to make beard grow thicker naturally without slathering on minoxidil or other chemical-laden concoctions. The good news? You're not alone. The great news? We've got some next-level tips to bring your beard from patchy to prolific. Ready to dive in? Let’s go.

The Holy Grail: How to Make Beard Grow Thicker Naturally

Forget the old wives' tales and urban myths. When it comes to , science and some well-grounded techniques are your best allies. Here’s the lowdown:

Dermarolling: Microneedles, Major Gains

A bearded man using a dermaroller.

Think dermarolling is just for the skincare junkies? Think again. This tiny, needle-studded roller can do wonders for your beard growth, bringing a range of benefits that go beyond just skincare.

Dermarolling, also known as microneedling, involves using a handheld device embedded with numerous fine needles to create micro-injuries on the skin.

This process might sound intimidating, but the results can be truly transformative.

Benefits of Dermarolling for Beard Growth

Boosts Blood Flow

One of the primary benefits of dermarolling is its ability to stimulate blood circulation. As the microneedles create tiny punctures on the skin's surface, your body responds by increasing blood flow to the affected area.

Increased blood circulation is crucial because it ensures that your hair follicles receive an ample supply of the nutrients and oxygen they need to thrive.

This enhanced nutrient delivery helps to fortify your hair follicles, making them stronger and more capable of producing thicker, healthier beard hair.


Increases Collagen

Another significant advantage of dermarolling is its ability to promote collagen production. Collagen is a protein that plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of your skin.

As we age, collagen levels naturally decline, which can lead to thinner skin and weaker hair follicles. By stimulating collagen production, dermarolling helps to create a more supportive environment for hair growth.

A collagen-rich skin matrix can support healthier, fuller beard growth by providing a sturdy foundation for hair follicles.

How to Incorporate Dermarolling into Your Routine

To get the most out of dermarolling for your beard, it's essential to follow a few key steps:

  1. Choose the Right Roller: Opt for a dermaroller with needle lengths between 0.25mm to 0.5mm for facial use. Longer needles can be more effective but may require professional guidance.
  2. Cleanse Your Skin: Before dermarolling, thoroughly cleanse your face to remove any dirt, oil, or impurities. This step ensures that the microneedles can penetrate the skin more effectively and reduces the risk of infection.
  3. Sterilize the Dermaroller: To prevent infection, always sterilize your dermaroller before and after each use. You can do this by soaking it in isopropyl alcohol for about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Roll with Care: Gently roll the device over the areas where you want to stimulate beard growth. Move the roller vertically, horizontally, and diagonally to ensure even coverage. Avoid applying too much pressure, as this can cause unnecessary irritation.
  5. Post-Treatment Care: After dermarolling, apply a nourishing serum or beard growth oil to provide your skin and hair follicles with additional nutrients. Products containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and peptides can be particularly beneficial.

Frequency of Use

For best results, consider incorporating dermarolling into your routine once or twice a week. Overuse can lead to skin irritation and damage, so it's important to give your skin time to heal between sessions.

Flex Your Muscles: Exercise for Beard Growth

A bearded man lifting weights.

Lifting weights isn’t just about building brawn; it’s about beefing up your beard too. Want to know how to make beard grow thicker naturally with exercise? Here's the science:

Testosterone Boost

One of the primary ways that lifting weights can help in growing a thicker beard is by increasing your testosterone levels.

Testosterone is a key hormone in the development of male characteristics, including facial hair. When you engage in weightlifting or other forms of resistance training, your body responds by producing more testosterone.

This hormone then stimulates hair follicles, promoting thicker and more robust beard growth. The increase in testosterone is particularly noted with compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses, which engage multiple large muscle groups simultaneously.

Stress Reduction

Another crucial factor is stress reduction. Regular exercise, including weightlifting, has been shown to reduce stress levels.

Stress can have a detrimental effect on your body by increasing the production of cortisol, a hormone that can interfere with testosterone production. High cortisol levels can also deprive your hair follicles of the nutrients they need to grow properly.

By reducing stress through exercise, you effectively lower your cortisol levels, allowing your testosterone and other necessary nutrients to support optimal beard growth.

Improved Blood Circulation

Exercise enhances blood circulation throughout your body, including your face. Improved blood flow means that more oxygen and essential nutrients are delivered to your hair follicles, aiding in their health and function.

This increased nutrient supply can result in healthier, thicker beard growth over time.

General Health Benefits

Maintaining a regular exercise routine contributes to overall health and well-being. A healthy body is more efficient in all its functions, including hair growth.

Proper diet, hydration, and physical fitness collectively create an environment conducive to growing a thick and healthy beard.

Sleep: The Ultimate Growth Hack

A bearded man sleeping soundly.

If you’re burning the candle at both ends and wondering why your beard resembles a sparse forest, listen up.

Hormone Regulation

One of the key factors in beard growth is hormone regulation, particularly testosterone. Testosterone is the principal male hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics, including facial hair.

When you get adequate sleep, your body maintains healthy levels of testosterone. Studies have shown that men who don’t get enough sleep can experience a significant drop in testosterone levels, which can lead to thinner, patchier beards.

Maintaining a consistent sleep routine ensures that your body naturally regulates hormone levels, providing the optimal environment for your beard to grow thick and strong.

Cellular Repair Sleep

is not just a period of rest; it's an active time for cellular repair and regeneration. During deep sleep stages, your body goes into repair mode.

This includes repairing damaged cells and tissues and generating new ones. For your beard, this means that hair follicles, which are the root structures from which each strand of hair grows, receive the necessary nutrients and support to grow robustly.

Lack of sleep deprives your body of this crucial repair time, resulting in weaker hair follicles and slower beard growth. Think of sleep as the nightly maintenance your body needs to keep your beard looking its best.

Additional Benefits

Besides hormone regulation and cellular repair, quality sleep has a plethora of other benefits that indirectly support beard growth.

For example, sleep helps reduce stress levels. High stress can lead to increased cortisol production, which negatively impacts testosterone levels and can lead to hair loss.

Additionally, good sleep enhances your immune system, ensuring your body is in peak condition to support all its functions, including hair growth.

Practical Tips

  1. Consistent Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your internal clock and improves the quality of your sleep.
  2. Sleep Environment: Create a conducive sleep environment. This means a comfortable mattress, a dark room, and a cool temperature. Consider using blackout curtains and earplugs if necessary.
  3. Limit Screen Time: The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your sleep cycle. Try to limit your screen time an hour before bed.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle: Combine good sleep with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals can further support beard growth, and exercise helps regulate hormones.

How to Make Beard Grow Thicker Naturally: Essential Tips

Now that you’ve got the basics, here are some more pro tips for how to make beard grow thicker naturally.

Nutrition: Fuel Your Follicles

You are what you eat, and that includes your beard.

Protein-rich Diet: Hair is made of keratin, a protein. Eat more lean meats, eggs, and beans to fuel your beard.

Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamins like B7 (Biotin) and minerals like Zinc play key roles in hair growth. Pile on the leafy greens and nuts to your diet.

Hydration: Drink Up

Water doesn’t just keep you hydrated; it keeps your beard thriving.

Thicker Hair: Proper hydration leads to thicker hair shafts, making your beard look fuller.

Healthier Skin: A well-hydrated skin is less likely to have issues like dandruff and itchiness, both of which are growth deterrents.

Beard Care Regimen: Keep It Clean

A dirty beard is a scraggly beard. Here’s how you can maintain a beard-friendly hygiene routine:

Wash Regularly: Use a quality beard shampoo and conditioner.

Moisturize: Apply beard oil to keep your facial hair soft and the skin underneath hydrated.

Mind Over Beard: Stress Management

Beard thinning due to stress is a thing, and it's brutal.

Meditation and Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness practices can lower cortisol, paving the way for better beard health.

Patience: Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

Patience is a virtue, especially when learning how to make beard grow thicker naturally. Your beard may take time to fill in, but with consistent care and a bit of patience, you'll get there.

Essential Detroit Grooming Products for a Thicker Beard

Detroit Grooming beard care collection.

Alright, so you’ve got the techniques down for how to make a beard grow thicker naturally—awesome. 

But to really elevate your beard game, you’ll also need top-notch grooming products. Lucky for you, Detroit Grooming Co. has a stellar lineup that’ll make your beard look and feel its absolute best. Here’s the lowdown:

Beard Oil: Moisturize and Nourish

If you’re serious about how to make beard grow thicker naturally, beard oil should be a staple in your grooming arsenal.

Detroit Grooming Corktown Beard Oil: This oil is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients like Vitamin E and Omega fatty acids, which soften your beard and nourish the skin beneath. Plus, the blend of cedarwood, vanilla, and tobacco oil will leave your beard smelling downright irresistible.

Beard Butter: Condition and Style

Say goodbye to scraggly, unruly hairs with beard butter.

Detroit Grooming Traverse City Beard Butter: Infused with cherry and tobacco fragrances, this beard butter not only helps style your beard but also deeply conditions it. The shea butter and coconut oil in its formula penetrate deeply to keep your beard hydrated and healthy.

Beard Shampoo: Cleanse and Refresh

A clean beard is a happy beard. Using a specialized shampoo can help you achieve that fuller look.

Detroit Grooming Beard Wash: Specially formulated to cleanse without stripping natural oils, this shampoo is a must. With naturally derived ingredients, it ensures your beard stays fresh and flake-free.

Beard Conditioner: Smooth and Soften

Conditioning doesn't end with just butter; a dedicated beard conditioner can work wonders.

Detroit Grooming Beard Conditioner: Enriched with biotin, this conditioner strengthens every strand while locking in moisture, making your beard softer and fuller over time. Ideal for everyday use, it pairs perfectly with the beard shampoo for a one-two punch of grooming excellence.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to how to make a beard grow thicker naturally, there’s no magic potion, but there is a rock-solid regimen.

By integrating these techniques into your daily life, you can speed up the beard-growing process, making it fuller, thicker, and stronger.